Returnable Packaging awareness training into automotive industries:

Returnable packaging training in Automotive industry provide a comprehensive understanding of the packaging supply chain through a thorough study across the intersection of automotive OEM’s, components manufacturers, and packaging providers— this create awareness among automotive professionals to work on packaging improvements initiatives and benefit their organisations.

We organise one day packaging awareness training programs for supply chain professionals as well as sourcing team from automotive industries.

This training is split in 4 stages:

  • Classroom training programme - PowerPoint presentation with AV and physical packaging material display.
  • Group discussion and QA session with trainees on their packaging issues and doubts.
  • Gemba round in plant to discuss their packaging issues by physically validating plant packaging and brainstorming.
  • Support to team post training on how to take-up returnable packaging projects for cost, quality and sustainability improvements.

Training contains:

  • Definition of Transport Packaging.
  • Why do we need Packaging.
  • Types of Packaging.
  • Principles of Sustainable Packaging Design.
  • Factors influenced by Packaging Design.
  • Factors Considered for Design & Selection.
  • Packaging Selection Rule.
  • Key Drivers for Packaging Design.
  • Packaging Efficiency.
  • Standards for Packaging.
  • Advancement of automotive packaging.
  • Rental Returnable Packaging concept.
  • Favorable Conditions for Reusable Packaging.
  • Concerns and limitations of Reusable Packaging.
  • Online returnable packaging Tracking & management.
  • System PDMS.